The Prachakorn

Real Talk: What do Journal Editors Initially Scrutinize in a Submitted Manuscript?

08 มีนาคม 2565

David D. Perrodin

After a cursory search, I found that the acceptance rate of submitted manuscripts for many high-ranking peer-reviewed academic journals is relatively low. When a manuscript is submitted to a journal, the editors will scrutinize the manuscript and choose those submissions that the editors believe are appropriate for the journal. Every author feels that they have written an exceptional manuscript with groundbreaking data that will significantly impact their field of research. Then after months, or sometimes years, of research preparation, data collection, analysis, and going through the final writing phases, journal editors straightaway reject their submitted prized paper. Often authors do not have a clear idea of why their manuscript was rejected by the editor so soon into the submission process. This confusion leads to many aspects of the journal submission process being questioned. Understandably journal editors want to publish good-quality papers of interest to the journal readers. Authors need to know how editors judge whether or not to send forth a manuscript to peer reviewers. Therefore, this presentation will look at how an author can make a submission ‘more attractive’ to editors to make the manuscript more likely to be accepted for peer review.


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