The Prachakorn

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Born in Thailand, Active in Burma: Transborder Activities by Burma’s Ethnic Minorities before the Coup (2011-2021)

07 กันยายน 2565

Dr. Hideyuki Okano

After the democratic transition in 2011, the number of civil society organizations (CSOs) increased in Burma. Donors also funded them for supporting their voluntary activities. The rise of CSOs in Burma partly owes to Thailand. Ethnic minorities from Burma, who sought refuge in border zone of Thailand, established CSOs since the 1990s for providing humanitarian assistance for refugees as well as engaged in anti-junta movements. This presentation examines how such movements in the border zone relates to the rise of CSOs in Burma after the democratic transition. Burma have been in turmoil since the coup in February 2021. The analysis will helpful for further understanding of the current situation.

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