The Prachakorn

The lived experience of pregnancy and birth for survivors of rape and sexual assault in the UK

27 กรกฎาคม 2565

Dr. Rebecca Lissmann

The Lived Experience of Pregnancy and Birth for Survivors of Rape and Sexual Assault – Dr Rebecca Lissmann, Dr Michelle Lokot, Professor Cicely Marston Data suggest that a substantial number of women have survived rape or sexual assault, then sometimes years later become pregnant and give birth. Fourteen in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with women living in the UK who self-identified as survivors of rape or sexual assault, and who had experienced pregnancy and birth after the assault. Three interconnected themes were identified from rich data: control, safety and trauma. The results are discussed with a feminist lens and contextualised within current maternity care practice in the UK. Four key implications of the research are highlighted.

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