The Prachakorn

The long term impact of diverse parental migration experiences on youth transition to adulthood in Thailand

12 กรกฎาคม 2566

Dr. Emily Yao Fu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Migration is a crucial contextual component to consider in children and youth development in Asia. Increasing attention has been paid to the implications of parental migration for children’s development. However, only a small body of research has investigated the potential long-term impacts of parental migration during childhood on children’s transition to young adulthood. We use data collected from Thailand in 2008-2010 (Wave 1) and tracked in 2019 (Wave 2) to understand 1) how parental migration influences young adults’ transitional outcomes such as labour activities, marriage, and childbearing, and 2) whether migration experiences of parents would increase their children’s likelihood of migration as their children reach young adulthood. The findings suggest the long-term implications of parental migration for young people’s early life stages on transitional outcomes and migration status while highlighting variations caused the type and destination of parental migration.

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