The Prachakorn

Applications of Machine Learning in Real-Life Digital Health Interventions

15 ธันวาคม 2564

Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technique that is widely used in almost all spheres of research and innovation including healthcare domain. Machine learning (ML) is an important subfield of AI which empowers the researchers to learn from the past data for classification, pattern recognition and prediction purposes without any computer programming. With the help of these valuable insights from the data, we can suggest important recommendations to the policy makers for forming health policies to improve the health status of any country. Machine learning has attracted considerable research interest toward developing smart digital health interventions. These interventions have the potential to revolutionize health care and lead to substantial outcomes for patients and medical professionals. Digital health interventions, including modalities such as telemedicine, Web-based strategies, email, mobile phones, mobile apps, text messaging, and monitoring sensors, have enormous potential to support independent living and self-management and reduce health care costs.  These digital health interventions are based on sophisticated machine learning techniques. In this talk some popular ML techniques which are used for real life digital health interventions are discussed.




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