The Prachakorn

Chiang Mai Field Trip

07 กุมภาพันธ์ 2567

Ms. Era Susanti, Ms. Sharmila Bhandari, Mr. Min Khant Nyunt, Ms. Soe Myat Htet, Mr. Han Min Htet Aung

Field trips in the Institute of Population and Social Research (IPSR) have always been a part of learning for the master’s students with an objective to explore practical aspects of population and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This year, IPSR organized a field trip to Chiang Mai from 12th-16th December, 2023. During the duration of our field trip, we visited a plethora of organizations including an NGO, school, orphanage, health promotion center, and hospital that provide population and SRH services in the province. This trip was extremely helpful as it allowed us- all the masters’ students, to have a hands-on experience with the population and SRH services provided in the country. We discussed the achievements, success stories, and existing challenges faced by the organizations that were shared with us by the representatives. Apart from learning, we were also involved in recreational activities during the trip which somehow boosted our excitement too. All in all, the trip was beneficial to enhance our knowledge. This outdoor excursion was a meaningful addition to our educational as well as personal experience. In this seminar, we will share our experiences, observations, and learnings we gathered during our field trip.


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