The Prachakorn

The long-term impact of diverse parental migration experiences on transition to adolescent: A case study of Thailand

21 กันยายน 2565

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aree Jampaklay (Presenter) and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Jordan, Lucy Porter (Discussant)

This research aims to examine the long-term impact of parental migration on children’s transition to adolescents. We followed up households interviewed in CHAMPSEA (Child Health and Migration of Parents in Southeast Asia) project, conducted in 2008. CHAMPSEA’s target households included those with children aged 3-5 years old and 9-11 years old. Both households with international migrant and non-migrant parents were surveyed. All parents at 2008 survey were married. This present research, conducted in 2021, is thus the 2nd round of CHAMPSEA project, but interviewed only households with young children (3-5 years olde in 2008 who turned to 16-18 years old in 2021). The 2021 survery successfully interviewed 407 households out of 508 or 80.1 percent. Findings from the multivariate analyses indicate that migration of parents is significantly associated with adolescents’ remaining in school and with adolescents’ school performance. Adolescents whose parents are internal migrants are more likely than adolescents of non-migrant parents to remain in school. No evidence of differences between those with internal-migrant parents and international migrant parents nor between those with international-migrant parents and non-migrant parents. The analyses also show that adolescents of internal-migrant parents perform better in school than those of international -migrant parents. In addition to parental migration, analyses on adolescents’ schooling suggest that adolescents whose parents are married and those in well-off households have a higher likelihood to remain in school than their counterparts. For school performance, results show that girls perform better than boys and living in positive-functioning family supports good school performance among adolescents. For psychological outcome, no evidence shows for the relationship between parental migration and adolescents’ psychological well-being. Results from the multivariate analyses show that adolescents’ psychological well-being is associated with gender (i.e., boys have a higher risk for conduct behavior and relationship with peer than girls, while girls show a higher risk of emotional behavior than boys). In addition, psychological well-being in the dimension of relationship with peer is associated with household wealth. Lastly, the study indicates the significant role of positive- family functioning on reducing the risk of emotional problem and overall psychological problem among adolescents.

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