The Prachakorn

The transitional lives of Bangkok’s urban refugees

26 สิงหาคม 2564

Dr. Mary Rose
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

This is an exploratory study which aims to investigate the urban refugee phenomenon in Thailand against the backdrop of prevailing forced displacements and urbanization. The plight of urban refugees in some cities in the country is still understudied. Moreover, concerns were expressed by various sectors with regard to the government’s recently established Thailand’s National Screening Mechanism because of the ambiguous selection criteria and procedures in granting particular statuses to refugees. Thus, there remains a huge gap between the guidelines, government policies and implementation as far as the urban refugee situation is concerned. The different steps in the migration journey will be investigated in this study using inductive approach in analyzing qualitative data. Results from this research can be used to expand the investigation further in the future using large datasets.





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